Welcome to Tulsa Super Thrift! For over three years we have provided quality merchandise and excellent customer service to Tulsa and the surrounding community. We would like to personally invite you to enjoy a family-friendly experience at the cleanest and most organized thrift store in the area. Enjoy our daily discounts of up to 80% off select clothing tags along with so many other great deals.

Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 7:00PM SAT: 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Drop-Off Locations
All proceeds from the Tulsa location go to support the gentleman and ladies at Green Country Adult & Teen Challenge. With your help, we are able to provide a low-cost program for adult men who are struggling with life controlling issues, such as homelessness, emotional pain and dispair. Click here for more information on the Green Country Adult & Teen Challenge Program. Click here for more information on the ministry of Adult & Teen Challenge of Oklahoma.
Donations Bring your donations to our store location where we will unload them for you. Also, we have several blue donation boxes conveniently placed around town. Check the map to the left for location information. Finally, we have a free, donation pick-up service. Call today to set up an appointment.
About Us


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